Purging items from a file





The Purge command removes specified items from the drawing and reduces the file size. Unused layers, classes, and resources, as well as objects outside of the page boundaries, can be removed from the file.

To purge items from a file:

Select the command.

The Purge dialog box opens. Each type of item that can be purged is listed, along with the number of items that were found. Select the items to remove from the drawing file.



Unused Resources



Deletes any unused gradient resources


Deletes any unused hatch resource.

If a surface hatch’s associated texture is in use, that hatch is also considered in use and is not purged.


Deletes any unused image resources

Line Types

Deletes any unused line type resources


Deletes any unused material resources

Record Formats

Deletes any unused record format resources.

Also select Special Record Formats to delete unused record formats that store plug-in object default values. An alert prompts you to confirm that the default values should be deleted.

Renderworks Backgrounds

Deletes any unused Renderworks background resources

Renderworks Styles

Deletes any unused Renderworks render style resources

Renderworks Textures

Deletes any unused texture resources

Roof Styles

(Design Suite product required)

Deletes any unused roof style resources

Sketch Styles

(Design Suite product required)

Deletes any unused sketch style resources

Slab Styles

(Design Suite product required)

Deletes any unused slab style resources


Deletes any unused symbol resources.

Also select Special Symbols to delete the resources for plug-in object symbols and group symbols (those listed in red and blue in the Resource Manager). This will not delete any associated plug-in or group objects that have already been placed in the drawing. An alert prompts you to confirm that the special symbol resources should be deleted.

Text Styles

Deletes any unused text style resources


Deletes any unused tile resources

Viewport styles

Deletes any unused viewport style resources

Wall Styles

(Design Suite product required)

Deletes any unused wall style resources


Checked box: All attributes in the Unused Resources group are selected; click to deselect all attributes in the group.

Empty box: No attributes in the Unused Resources group are selected; click to select all attributes in the group.

Box displays a square or dash: One or more attributes in the group are not selected; click to select all attributes in the group.

The Special Record Formats and Special Symbols options are not automatically selected along with the other unused resources; they must be selected individually.

Other Items


Empty Layers

Deletes any layers that do not contain any objects; for projects with stories (Architect or Landmark required), story layers are not purged

Empty Story Layers

(Architect or Landmark required)

Deletes any story layers that do not contain any objects

Empty Symbol Folders

Deletes any unused symbol folders

Unused Classes

Deletes any unused classes

Objects Outside of Page Boundaries for

Deletes any objects that are totally outside the page boundaries; if an object is partially within the boundary, it will not be deleted. Objects can be deleted from the active layer only, from all design layers, and from all sheet layers.

Coincident Duplicate Objects for

Deletes duplicate objects that are entirely identical, including their geometry, class, attributes, location, and so on, leaving a single object. Objects can be deleted from within groups, symbols, or from the entire drawing.


Checked box: All attributes in the Other Items group are selected; click to deselect all attributes in the group.

Empty box: No attributes in the Other Items group are selected; click to select all attributes in the group.

Box displays a square or dash: One or more attributes in the group are not selected; click to select all attributes in the group.

Preview items that will be purged

Opens the Purge Preview dialog box after you click OK on the Purge dialog box; if needed, you can remove items from the purge list

If Preview items that will be purged is selected, the Purge Preview dialog box opens. The name and type of each item that will be purged displays. Red and blue names indicate symbols that are defined to be inserted as plug-in objects and groups, respectively (see Concept: Vectorworks symbols). For symbol definitions and empty symbol folders, the Location column indicates which resource folder currently contains the item. For objects that are outside of the page boundaries, the Location column indicates which sheet layer or design layer currently contains the item.

To prevent an item from being purged, click the column to the left of the item's name to remove the check mark.


Click OK to complete the purge.

If necessary, use the Undo command to undo the purge.

Clearing objects

Managing color palettes


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